
Basket A Go-Go

Spent several hours Tuesday night knitting this up. It's shape is rather wonky, but hey, 1st one!

The original pattern looks much better.
BUT, I learned 3 new stitches. Finally got my mind wrapped around i-cords.

Got the pattern from http://ma2ut.blogspot.com/2006/06/nantasket-basket.html. Well worth the $5.50 to buy the pattern.
AND, I was able to use up a bunch of little balls of leftover yarn from other projects. So glad I saved that teeny tiny piece of lime green so it could go once around the basket.


Barley, Bean, and Boo said...

hmmm...what project could that lime green have come from? ;p

Nitro Krycerin said...

Heee! Actually it was from a looooooong time ago, and I didn't remember what it was from until last night when I found the striped stocking hat that's TOO BIG and has never been worn. Thinking of taking hat apart, but also am lazy about that. So still in the thinking stage. :)