
It's not just me, is it?

I was leaving work the other day, keys in hand, kind of swinging them. La la la... I walked with a devil-may-care attitude, until I saw this...

I suddenly became very paranoid about my keys. What if they fell in? How would you get them out? Oh no, oh no, oh no... where are my keys? Ok, whew, they're in my hand. Ok, easy... easy... walk FAR away from that nasty old grate that's going to suck the keys RIGHT OUT OF MY HAND...


Katherine said...

I feel the same way!!! I thought it was only me who did that! I also avoid those drain thingees that are located on the sides of the roads, on the curbs. I swear, if I EVER see a clown in one of those, I'm running, keys be damned, as fast as my little legs will carry me...

Anonymous said...

You know Chris, if this continues I could prescribe you some meds. Let me know, ok?!

Anonymous said...

Legitimate concern! I have actually dropped keys through the sewer grate. Fortunately, though, they weren't my keys. They were keys to the bank where I worked. No problem there!

I love your blog. You are very funny.

Anonymous said...

OMG. I do/ think the same thing. I did it just last week in Abbott's parking lot.