
I've got the what, now?

When I woke up this morning, I felt really dizzy and nauseous. I thought I was just dehydrated. That's what it felt like, kinda. I showered, and we went to work. I dozed in the car on the way... Lee was driving! I am not usually a dozer. I sat at my desk for about and hour, alternately staring and laying my head down. SO! Turns out I have "what's going around..." some kind of flu bug. Lee drove me home then went back to work. I told him I wasn't tired, but then I slept from 10:30 - 2:00. Apparently, my body felt otherwise.

I'm ok-ish, until I stand up, then I'm all kind of yuck. I don't mind being "fake" sick, but I hate being "real" sick.

The last time I had the flu was in Austria in 1996. The whole Neidhausel (the house the volunteers lived in) was down with it. Dr. Steiner from town brought his black bag and his Irish Setter, Stella, to administer shots and to check in on us all. Stella did not administer shots, but she was a nice distraction.


Katherine said...

hey, I'm sorry you're sick. I hope you feel better really soon!

Anonymous said...

Being "fake" sick rocks. Maybe I need one of those days soon. Oh, sorry you're illness is not of the "fake" type...

Anonymous said...

*your* illness that is (can't spell this morning)