
If this Ship's a Rockin'....

Well, you know the rest...

Remain prostrate in your cabin for the day and order room service.

I was worried about being sea-sick on the cruise. I was a little woozy on the 1st day, but I was able to mostly keep the nausea at bay by consuming COPIOUS amounts of food at REGULAR intervals. We all did. Thankfully, there was food 24-7. The buffet in the Wind Jammer was almost always open. Great food!

On the last day at sea... it was a travel day... we were heading back toward Dominican Republic... the waves and wind were really bad. I mean really bad. The crew put out barf bags on all the stairways. I made it to breakfast in the Wind Jammer... trouble is the WJ is at the front of the boat on the 9th floor, and so I staggered in like a drunken sailor, grabbed some cereal and milk, and careened back out to a more central location, hoping for less "lift."

Later I found a spot on the back of the ship which was ok, except for the pitching and heaving and wind... oh, and the creepy old guy rubbing suntan lotion on the nubile young woman's buns. Why anyone needs tan buns, Lee's mom and I couldn't figure out...

Lee didn't make it up to breakfast... he talked with Carrie on the stairs, then went back down. I made it until about 10:30, then I went to lay down too. We were ok when lying completely flat...but sit up, and ugh. We ordered room service and watched movies.

They closed the pool... you can see why!

I'll post more about our other adventures after I'm done sorting pics. I may have been just the tiniest bit click-happy, but I don't think 900 pictures is THAT many... er....

Lee says he can tell where I am by the click my camera makes. :)

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